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Myotatsuji Temple

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Rousen 2019

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Akegarasu Haya's trust in his teacher, Kiyozawa Manshi, combined with the thoughts of the Pure Land of his last years, created the Rousen-do, which houses the statues of the two. "Fan" is a word named after Manshi's issue, which means something that is useless (in this world). This shape was literally Akegarasu Haya's "Dream Crystal", with the overlap of the Yumedono of Houryuuji Temple, the Rokkakudo prayer of Shinran Saints, and the Dainippon Bunka College. Haya died seven days after completion and was housed in the cinerarium downstairs, which remains a sanctuary for disciples and believers.
On the anniversary of Manshi's death, "Rousen-ki", all the members of the believer will enter the hall and recite the "The Road of Absolute Other Power". The event is also held at related temples and universities in various places, but this is the only form of this temple. However, in recent years, we often work on holidays, so be careful.