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​     WORLD

     The World​ of Haya Akegarasu

 Haya Akegarasu, who made a great achievemnt in Buddhism, shows his talents in many other fields. In the lively efforts through Meiji, Taishou, Shouwa era, Haya was a Tanka and Haiku poet, and a calligrapher, sometimes a painter. Though he became blind later years of life, his unique writing was requested  by many people. Also Haya was one of the best thinker, scholar of the age, and a good traveler of the world, besides a collector of the cultural materials. With the experience of the chief editer, he was a dynamic publisher, that anticipated the times--Bunko,Shinsho edition (pocket size), free essay styles etc.

  On the other hand, we must know the origin of these talents. Haya was a great reader, from his youth. In addition to the Buddhist scriptures, he had read infinite western (e.g. Tolstoi) and eastern (e.g. "Kojiki") books, and heard the  reading of "Miyamoto musashi" (long Samurai story) later years with blindness. And we know the fact, that he wrote a diary long time, made his sermons always write down in shorthand, and adopted a taperecorder early before others.

  As a result, the complete works of Haya Akegarasu is left behind,  has reached 28 volumes 600 pages each. So to speak, he is himself a big recorder, a giant of  spirits in modern japanese world. One of the old disciple said, Haya is the both close and far being for us,  like that proverb, blind men trying to identify an elephant by touch.      


   The entire view of Haya Akegarasu is not clear, for all the efforts, two times publishing of complete works, many books on him from various angles, and the first visual introduction DVD recently. But the words and light of his world is everlasting, as the truth of Buddhism Engi works.

 □Stored books etc. in this temple.

 ■Complete works of Haya Akegarasu 28volumes and 1--(Ryoufuu-Gakusha )

 ■5single books of Haya Akegarasu--(Tyoubun-Sha)

 ■Introduction DVD "Holding the Light of Pure Land"--(Hakusan City)

 ■Booklet of Haya Akegarasu--(Myoutatsuji)

 ○ Please call this temple, if you want.


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